Providing you with meaningful real estate data!

Real Estate Property Data ready for your marketing leads

On Demand real-estate data leads!

State Subscription $99 per month

Access all counties available for individual states without any download limits!

County Subscription $49 per month

Access specific data for individual counties nationwide. No download limitations!

What makes us different from other real estate data companies?

Customized data set with accurate results from trusted data sources. 

Up-to-Date data refreshed daily/weekly direct from the source. 

We’re a team of 3 data analysts that gather, curate, and combine various data sources to generate meaningful information for your marketing leads

You have the ability to to work directly with data experts for your tailored requirements. 

List-Stacking or combining multiple criteria’s from multiple data sources. 

Lose the hassle of trying to find the right application or service for your real-estate data or marketing needs. We will provide you data that no other provider can offer. We pride ourselves on listening to your specific needs. 

Frequently Asked Question - FAQs

Lone Star Property Investment group or (LSP Data) –  provides various real estate data including but not limited to Absentee owners, vacancies, and other criteria depending on the county.

You can generate your own records on-demand and download immediately to Excel, Csv, or PDF.

Absolutely! You have a free 30 min free Zoom consultation which you may sign up here

Once you order it may take up 4 hours to receive your data. You’ll get an email containing a link to download the spreadsheet (in Excel format).

If you have any questions or concerns email us at contact or simply call (409)-240-9010

Do you want to become a part of our growing network of affiliates?

Lose the hassle of trying to find the right application or service for your real-estate data or marketing needs. We will provide you data that no other provider can offer. We pride ourselves on listening to your specific needs.